I got my inclination for pink lips from my adoration of the famous Barbie Doll. As we all know, Barbie is always in pink fashion and I have always been a fan since I was a little kid. When we are young, the things that we like or we idolize tend to get carried over with us as we grow older. This similar thing happened to me in the case of Barbie, and this is the reason why I love wearing pink dresses and having pink lips growing up.

My Methods For Achieving Perfect Pink Lips
As for achieving the perfect pink lips, there are several ways to do so. If you are in for the "home remedy" style of achieving the perfect pink lips, you can try to exfoliate your lips a bit and expose the lighter tone underneath. Most people don't realize it, but dull, dead-colored lips is usually the result of old and dead skin cells on your lips. To get rid of it, you can try a natural exfoliating scrub made from 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 table spoon lemon juice. Apply it on your skin with your hands softly and gently to remove the old skin cells on your lips.

If you are not up to the task of creating an exfoliating scrub, the easiest and most convenient way to achieve the perfect pink lips is by using your own favorite brand of lipstick. Each one of us has our own favorite brand of lipstick, but for me BEIGE is always gonna be my favorite. Ever since I have gotten my hands on my first BEIGE product, I have never looked back! My favorite hue to get that perfect pink glow on my lips is the Beige Gladiolous Pink Lipstick. Not too girly but also not too hyper pink, this lipstick remains as my go-to-lipstick to achieve that perfect pink inspired by Barbie.

If you are interested to know where I picked up my lipstick, you can check this Beige Gladiolous Pink Lipstick from Chuu. You'll never regret every bit of it!
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