Hand bags are not only limited to the usual clutch bags that women carry around. Satchels, hobos, shoulder bags, backpacks, clutches, athletic bags, and duffel bags can sometimes be considered as hand bags too! Having said that, the dilemma lies in the choice of material for the handbag that you are using. Hand bags can be crafted from suede, polyurethane, cotton -- and sometimes even the coveted cashmere fabric. The two most popular materials used for making hand bags, however, are genuine leather and faux leather.

Genuine Leather vs Faux Leather
Genuine leather is made from materials taken from actual animal hides -- most common of which are cow, sheep and goat. Although cow leather can be quite rough and textured when touched by hand, it is also considered as one of the toughest leathers out there. Although sheep and goatskin are much more softer and refined, they are also prone to wear and tear. So if you are carrying heavy things or if you just want your hand bag to last a longer time, going for cow leather is a good and practical decision.

Faux leather on the other hand is made from man-made fabric or plastic base, which is why most people refer to it as "pleather" or plastic leather. The plastic base is often treated chemically with wax, dye or polyurethane in order to make it look like leather. Although it feels like leather and retains colors much more visibly than genuine leather especially when exposed under the sun, faux leather has a shorter lifespan than genuine leather. Genuine leather also tends to retain its value a lot more compared to faux leather. If you are investing for a long-term hand bag that you can even pass on to your children, going for genuine animal hide leather is your best bet. But if you just want something to put your stuff in without spending too much, then going for faux leather is no shabby at all!
Sometimes, you have to consider monetary situation when investing on hand bags too. But if you want to purchase something that you will be proud of for years to come, this Leather Bucket Handbag from Mix x Mix is a great choice for you! I highly recommend that you check the website out and start window shopping now :)
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