I am really surprised to learn that these days, a lot of women are still under the impression high heels or boots are required to become really "fashionable". And I am happy to break to you my personal opinion that this kind of mentality is very far from the actual truth. Models, Hollywood celebrities, actresses and singers are often seen dressed in high fashion while wearing flats, and they are still able to look good and elegant. A perfect example of this is the perennial beauty of Hollywood Aubrey Hepburn who wore wear flat shoes which made her look sophisticated and elegant in the eyes of the discerning Hollywood media surrounding her everyday.
Today, with the modern woman (like us) getting busier and busier, and the lives of professional women going faster and faster, it is not a secret that finding strong, reliable and steady companions for our feet has never been more important. Without flats, it will be hard to walk a long day off while wearing heels or boots that makes us "look nice", but terribly tortures our feet.

When buying flats, it is important to understand their different shapes and sizes. Not all flats are made the same and some will look good on specific outifts. For example, the long front flats are those that have fronts reaching most of the way or completely all the way up to the ankle. These flats often have a strict business style and look, so you should never try to make it a "party" or casual foot wear. The square toe flats also work the same way, as they are really professional looking and business-enticing.
On the other hand, there is also the low cut flats that possess a front area just barely covering the toes. The best example for these kinds of flats are the ballet flats which started to get popular during the last decade. Low cut flats work well in casual and semi-casual dress occasions.
When choosing a flat to wear, always put in mind the context of your use. Think ahead of time whether you are going to use the shoes in a formal, semi-formal and casual setting in order to find the one that will fit your needs. Here is a gorgeous classic flat from Little Black that might tickle your fancy in a huge way. I am a very big fan of these kinds of simple foot wear and I am sure that you will find a use for such awesome piece of shoes.
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